Sunday 8 May 2011


YAY thanks to the Great Green Ones mother we are going to the pubbbbbb!!!!!! woohoo karaokeeeeee!!!!

Aww and Toyota sponsoring ITV movies with all those adorable dalmatian puppies!!!!

Until next time


Saturday 7 May 2011

well i tell you!!!

Yes, yes, I know, been too long writing again aint I? Well, to be honest with you, ebay and paypal have pissed me off today so I need a rant. But not at you lot, cos you're all too nice to rant at! And OMG I haven't been for my run for four days now - and probably won't get very far tomorrow if the weather is as bad as they reckon it's gonna be!

Well, we went to a new pet shop and bought three fish - and guess what - one died! FFS what are we doing wrong? I don't dare say we still got two that are healthy - don't wana tempt providence now, do we? And my Twitter account now has four followers, so if any of you want to come and follow me my name's strongquietguy (talk about shameless advertising!!)

Well, I'll let you all get on for now cos I'm off to do the dishes (sausage, mash tomatos and eggs thanks for asking) (fat bastard ain't I lmao)?

So until next time


Monday 2 May 2011


well, here we are again, start of a new week - sans Ted Lowe, Henry Cooper and Bin Laden - God rest most of their souls - and I've just been in the garden playing with our new chimenea - trying in vain to keep a fire going but the wind seems to have other plans.

Yes - again - it's been too long since I scribed to this site, but I been busy learning how to "Tweet" - I only have three followers so far but I'm hoping to build on that soon!!!

Anyway I'm off for a run in a moment and stuff while the Great Green One wallpapers the lounge - I did offer to help but I think her suspicions of my being shite at the task - and the fact she is too polite to say thus - has rendered me redundant from such chore!!!

Anyway talk soon I hope - tata!!!!!!!!

Thursday 28 April 2011

yippeeeeeee another royal wedding!!!!

Ok ok so who's excited about tomorrows upcoming royal nuptials????? well, not me for one, thats for bleeding sure. I only say this because we have been totally saturated with this caper now for almost a year and I, for one, am at saturation point with it!!!!

And that's another thing - I fucking HATE Liverpool council - I have emailed them before with regard to the state of the parks around my area and they have done little - neigh NOTHING - to alleviate the situation. So today as I'm walking the dog I entered the second park (a nice, quiet tidy park) only to find Waterloo In Bloom tents erected. Pissed me off royally because the bloke came up to me and asked my opinion. I asked him why he wasn't in the other park (adjacent to the park they were in) and he said - and I quote - "Because it isn't tidy enough"! For Fucks Sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why, also, is it that you cant go ANYWHERE in Liverpool without treading in fucking dog shit!!!!!!!! I moved from Devon and we sooooooooooooooo rarely had this problem - the skank hos that live up here are ignorant fucking pratts and I hope that one day a  child of theirs falls into a pile of their dogs shit and suffers horrendously from whatever disease dog shit causes. Unfortunately it will probably be the child of somebody pleasant that this happens to. And guess what - the council will do fuck all about it!

Anyway, I've had me rant now. Love you all and sorry for totally depressing you lol.

Until next time

byesey bye byes

Sunday 24 April 2011

here we go here we go - oh there we went!

wahay!!! im getting good at this Twitter caper - I've just done my second post - or Tweet as I believe it's called. Anyway, it's a glorious day here in Liverpool land and it's also Easter Sunday so to all you religious types happy re-incarnation day!!! And to all us atheists - happy chocolate day!!!!

Just been jogging and yes, you guessed it, more dog shit on ones shoe!!! Honestly, the people round here should be put down and their dogs given nappies!!!

Going pub again tonight for sum more carry okey cokey and to get legless (aww poor old Heather Mills). I guess I should delete that because it's one-leggist but I can't abide the woman so tough tittiies!

As you can see the dog shit incident has put me in a "devil-may-care" mood and quite frankly pffffffttttt!!!!!

I notice that after all these posts I haven't got any followers - well I have one - but that doesn't count because it is The Great Green One. AND I have no followers on Twitter so fucking hell to it!!!

Oo  I just had a thought - but I'll keep that for another time!! 

Anyway I'm off now to go frogging and tickle her.

I'll speak to you all again - and until next time . . . . . .

"Come Fly With Me, Let's Fly Let's Fly Awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

Wednesday 20 April 2011

well bugger me!

Hello people! How the hangment are you all? Well the Great Green One and I went to the cinema tonight to see Scre4m (yes, it's actually Scream 4 but that is how it is titled) and as films of its genre go it wasnt that bad I guess. The usual slash and guts tripe, but for a few squid it was an evening out!!!

And omg what marvellous weather we're having at the moment!! Been walking dog, as usual, done a little shopping today (bought some trainer socks which the Great Green One suggested - against my better nature). I've yet to try them, however I need new trainers anyway. Will give them a go some time and let you know how I get on with them. I am of the old school, you see, I prefer ankle socks etc and psychologically will be thinking I have to keep pulling the buggers up!!!

Apprehended a ne'er'do'well in Iceland yesterday - that was fun! He was running out the door with some stolen goodies so I stuck out me foot and tripped the bleeder over!!!! I laughed about it later, but it couldhave been silly really, but hey ho!!!

Anyway, I'm off back to my bottle of Rose wine and a cuddle with the Great Green One and will talk to you all again on anothe occasion.

Until next time

Take care folks xxx

Sunday 17 April 2011

oi oi saveloy!!!

Well it's been too long again hasn't it - a week in fact! So what have I been up to? Not a lot, really, but I have been to the doctors!!! OOOHHH WORZY WHAT'S THE MATTER I hear you all cry? Well, I have a skin tag, you see, which has been there for a few months now and the other night it caught something whilst I was in bed and it bled badly so I thought I'd get it checked out - and guess what it's gonna take our lovely NHS a while to get round to it - in the meantime if I bleed to death you know why!

But it's not all doom and gloom - at least the sun is out and it's nice and warm - and it's karaoke night!!! Oh I do love a good old sing song, don't you?

And the gardening is going very very slowly as well - so much crap accumulates in the garden - and what with pulling up and chopping down bushes - well it's never ending, I tell you!

The dog is fine but we have now lost all the goldfish - we seem to have killed off five in the space of about two months and personally I think it's the fault of the pet shop - DON'T EVER BUY FISH FROM THE PET SHOP IN ST. JOHNS ROAD WATERLOO they are probably diseased!!!! I mean, let's face it, it can't be our water because the Great Green One has kept fish before using this water and a different pet shop - and even if there was a problem with the water we have used tank medicine and stuff to aid diseases - so what does that tell you?

Anyway, the budgie is still alive, I'm still alive, The Great Green One is still alive and there is a chicken in the oven just about ready to gulp down so there you go!

Anyways I'm of now to find some solace on a plate!!!

I'll get back to any of you who have enquired about my new book - which is nobody yet thank you so very bloody much!

Just japing with y'all !!!

Until next time


Saturday 9 April 2011

hello you lot!

yes i'm back again - it's meeeeeeeee!!!! worzyyyyyy!!!!!! having had a lovely day in Crosby doing the rounds of the charity shops, me and the Great Green one! Been beautiful weather here too! And now I'm settling down with you lot having a bit of peaceful time! Walking the dog is becoming quite interesting at the moment owing to the fact that some pillock is diggng up the road to lay new water pipes and the streets are all dug up and we're having to walk different ways nearly every day - which the dog hates cos he has his own routine of where he likes to go - omg you try and take him a different route and you're in trouble! Honestly! He gets a right strop on and tries to pull me home! He's alright once he actually gets to the park, but getting there - well, honestly!!!

While I'm here can I just offer my condolences to the trainers and jockeys and carers and lovers of the two horses that were sadly lost at todays Grand National - brave horses indeed.

On a lighter note - just be careful if you ever take Dulcolax - please please PLEASE no matter how constipated you are JUST TAKE ONE!!!!!!! I am having a little bit of an up and down evening, shall we say! I'm sure you don't want to know any more than that, so I won't go into detail of how bad my shits are!!!!

Oops too late!!!

Anyways, I'm gonna sign off now and hope you all sleep peacefully and don't get up to any naughty business - well, not until I get there, anyway!!!

Love to you all

taa taa


Thursday 7 April 2011


Well hello again! How are you all, my lovers??? And before you ask, no, I'm not getting carried away with the typing bug just because I've done two entries in a row! I'm just trying to keep you all updated with my day to day mad existence! Actually, today has been a little slow, although I do seem to have packed a fair amount into it. Did some shopping this morning, bit of shopping, took the dog for a walk and even had time for my jog!

And on top of all that I've had a lovely bath and now I'm relaxing in front of the Royle Family with a nice bottle of Cava and my favourite gal, the Great Green One, by my side on the settee. We now, also, have two goldfish once again in the tank, although that said the new one don't look all that interested in living. To be honest I think something in the house is jinxing them. It does, from time to time, have a mad dash around the tank, or from side to side in the tank, but then it will just lay there at the bottom of the tank for ages on end doing shag all.

Oh before I go can I just say - Wayne Rooney - FUCK OFF ABROAD ALONG WITH "SIR" ALEX FERGUSON

Not sorry about that lol

Til nex time


Wednesday 6 April 2011

ok ok dont start!!!

Yes it's been ten days since I posted - ho hum what a to-do!!! I haven't even been busy ffs!!! But I have been busy in the garden doing hanging baskets - my word baskets are cheap these days - and thanks to a survey site I received a free bag of Miracle Gro compost and it is FANTASTIC stuff - its dry and you add your own water and you get sooooooo much for the size of the bag! anyway, i'm sure you're all riveted by this information, but I have other things to tell you.

Actually, no I dont, but I'm gonna anywayz. Tonights meal is Spaghetti Bolocknese, which the great green one is cooking for me - and no, I'm not sexist, I'll do the dishes, thank you very much!

Also I am trying to clear the back garden of bits of twig and bushes and that is a nightmare - it just never seems to end. So if there are any volunteers out there, I'd much appreciate it!

Anyway I'm off now cos I'm getting starving and am going to go and prod the great green one into forcing - yes FORCING food into my oral orifice!!!!!

Take care out there you lot and until next time

BIG GREEN LOVE MACHINE (sitting next to me fnar! fnar!)


Sunday 27 March 2011

ok ok!!!

Yes - ok - I've been a wee lacklustre with my entrances again!!! Oh good grief give me chance to think of something interesting to write!!! Oh thats something - my keyboard is playing up - it keeps missing letters when I type them so I think I'm gonna have to clean under the keys - to say nothing of the fact that three keys are missing altogether - thanks to the dog jumping on the keyboard!!!

Anyway - moving on - tonight is karaoke night - and as you may well be aware we had a new karaoke host on Thursday. God bless him he was a little slow but I think he will get used to things. A couple of the regulars have said they won't be back because it's not the same without Charlie - but it's just a case of getting used to it, is what I say!! Give the newbie a chance - we all have to start somewhere!!! Mind you, that said, the fewer people there the more chance for me to sing - tra la la la la!!!

Well, last couple of days have been pretty samey as usual - walking the dog, jogging, looking for work. Went into town on Friday - omg why is it that whenever I go in Primark it is ALWAYS chocablock - morning noon and night - any day of the week!!!! Usually full of chavs spending their pocket money, but mostly full of the great green one who absolutely adores spending time in there. Mind you, that said, I have a shirt and pair of trousers from in there that I have absolutely fallen in love with - the trouser were less than £9 and I cant remember how much the shirt was but I think it was in the sale - and they make me look so sexy it hurts!!!

Anyway, the Great Green One is almost ready to go to the pub with me now, so I will sign off with this thought - if Rembrandt was colour blind how did he get all the colours right? And if Beethoven was deaf, how did he get all the notes right?

Buggered if I know

Until next time

Off you goooooooooooooooooooooo xxx

Thursday 24 March 2011

ooooo hello!!!

Yes people - it's meeeeeeeeeeeee back again!!! I have been intermittent in my musings again have'nt I? Well, as you know, I had a 40th birthday on Monday - and the big news from that day is THE GREAT GREEN ONE GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE (and no I don't mean on Heather Mills) AND PROPOSED TO ME!!!!! I am now an engaged personage and loving every minute of it. And this afternoon I returned the proposal and also got down on one knee (this time it was heather mills) and she accepted so we both proposed and both accepted so that is the best thing I will ever blog on here I reckon.

Well I'm rambling now cos - as usual - I ain't been up to much - although I did have TWO runs today because for some reason I seem to have a build-up of energy (no fart jokes please). And tonight we are off to karaoke - it's a new person running it tonight owing to Charlie's retirement on Sunday - and Charlie if you should ever read this we all wish you a long and happy retirement!

So I'm off now and I will see you all again

ta ta

Sunday 20 March 2011

sunday sunday!!!!!!

Well it's Sunday and I'm about to go off to Charlie's final karaoke so won't be on here too long but I'll fill you in on the days events. Got up, walked dog, went for jog, going pub!!!!! Lmao - ain't I funny!!!!! On a more serious note though it's my 40th birthday tomorrow so Im going into hiding just before midnight tonight - not from anybody else - just from time itself!!!! Actually, I really don't care about age its just a number.

I got things to do now cos I'm late already so will catch up with you later

Until next time people


Saturday 19 March 2011

howdy podners

Well it's looming fast. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm not telling ya!!! Have had a couple slow days - no surprise there then. But we did  go to Liverpool today to do some shopping and the great green one bought my birthday present and some hideous bedding apparel stuff. I dont mind though cos I only sleep in it, don't spend all night admiring it!! (Although I do spend all night admiring the great green one!!)

Oh I'm being too critical - it aint that hideous - its just that it's brown and not my kinda stuff - still it won't show if I do a wet fart will it?

As for Liverpool itself there was the large group of drummers in the town centre doing their bit for Comic Relief - must have been about 60 drummers - varying sizes of drums from small to mahooosive!!!! What a racket!!! It was fantastic - great green one had headache so went of to shop while I stood and watched. Then she went in Primark while I stood and watched a fantastic blind chap playing Wind Beneath My Wings on his guitar - omfg he was amazing - and when we all donated he just looked so humbled - it was awe inspiring and makes me feel glad for everything I have got rather than what I have not got.

Anyway Im a bit tired again now so will sign off for beddybyes and will hopefully talk to you all again soon.

Before I go I just want to say something serious. Next time you see somebody worse off than you then count your blessings - you may not understand them, you may make a snap judgment that they are not as good as you - but they are and in many cases are better than you. Let's all live a little more friendlier. It is true that I prefer animals to humans (en masse that is and this, obviously doesnt include the great green one for whom i will die for if needed), but even I have to admit that for the most part all people have at least one redeeming quantity. Yes, the bad may outweight the good in some cases - but just remember there is some good there somewhere. Somewhere.

Later xxx

Wednesday 16 March 2011

well i did warn you!!!

Yes it's me again! I have been a little lacklustre in my postings of late and I did say last night that I would make up for it - so here I am - only ONE DAY LATER and I'm blogging for you lovely people!!! I haven't - again - had a very eventful day, but we did do our usual Wednesday trip to Bootle Strand for some shopping and the great green one, in her loving way has been trying to thrust worldly goods upon me being as next Monday is my 40th birthday - but I'm telling you now, I'm having none of it. All I want is what I have now - the great green ones amazing love and warmth.

Anyways, I'll not dribble on too much cos you'll all be sick otherwise lmao. Cant remember if i mentioned this but we now have a small fishtank with two fancy goldfish and a loach (who the great green one has named Ken, as in Ken loach). That said we actually started with three fancy goldfish and a loach, then one goldfish died, then the loach died and now we've upgraded the tank and put a pump in it and are now running on two fancy goldfish and a loach and all seems to be well (touch wood). And we also bought the budgie a new toy for his cage which he seems to have fallen in love with. And I know you're all gonna fucking laugh at that but it's true - he will NOT leave it alone. Still, it's keeping him quiet lol. Even the dog seems to be growing up - he plays less now and lies down quietly for longer periods of time - so Dr Dolittle seems to be losing his touch lmao!!

Anyway Im off to the kitchen now to stock up on cheese and crackers and will talk to you all very soon.

Until next time


Tuesday 15 March 2011

good grief!!! it's you, isnt it?

Well what can I say - I've been slack, haven't I? Although, to be fair, last night I had an excuse for not being on here - 3 or 4 double brandies (probably triples) so that's why I didnt come here last night. The great green one was determined to get me drunk - as for the other nights I haven't been here - no excuses and I apologise. I haven't really done anything exciting though, but I have some exciting news for you all - my keyboard is slightly broken. That was because I left it on the floor and our dog - who we have now nicknamed cloud - jumped on it and three of the keys wont go back on. Still, they're not all that important so I'll cope.  Talking of last night - omg did I barf this morning? Ain't been that sick in years - felt much better after lol. It is a major milestone in my life next Monday and I refuse to acknowledge it - apparently it is my 40th birthday. I don't feel it - I fucking KNOW I dont look it (thank you, Nivea) and I don't believe it could happen to somebody so lovely as me. Oh well, as they say, better to be over the hill than buried under it.

I shall try to be more consistent with my rantings and ravings, as I know you all follow me in your droves - well, at least two of you do anyway - and one of the people that follows me - the great green one - is the most important thing in my world. It is as if we have always been together. Coincidentally, next Monday being my 40th birthday also marks the exact 6th month anniversary of me joining my beloved here in Liverpool - which is a story I shall tell you in the years to come.

Anyway it has gone the witching hour and I have to be up early tomorrow so I am going to sign off with this thought - how do you solve a problem like Maria?

And my thoughts also at this time are going out to the people of Japan and their relatives and all those who have suffered from the earthquake and tsunamis. I am not a religious person, and do not believe in God, but if you do believe in God and read this then please say a prayer for these people and may your Gods go with you all. xxx

Until next time


Thursday 10 March 2011

Right! Listen Up

Am I in trouble with you lot? It's been a few days since I last posted, and I'm guessing you're all a bit peeved about that - missing your favourite person on the web!!! Well - I haven't been up to much - as usual - but I have made a cake!!! See the thing is we purchased (the great green one and I) a Betty Crocker cake mix. We paid a princely sum for the privilege, looked at instructions on the back only to be told we had to then go out and spend another £2 plus just for the fucking icing/filling!!!!!!!

I'm sorry Ms Crocker but this isn't good enough. Yes your cake may well be very nice indeed, if a bit sickly (especially when u have half a brick like I did) but do you really have to rip people off by charging the equivalent of more than £5 for a frigging sponge????

Anyway, thats off my chest now.

Erm, gone a bit off piste now!!! Right - taken dog for walkies (most days this week with the exception of yesterday when I was otherwise engaged), been for me usual jog along the beach and yes I did get a little wet this afternoon but it was worth it because I also got blown back up the beach upon my return so that was nice! Went to Strand yesterday and hit the shops, bought a hoodie in second hand shop for a couple quid or so and as I say made a cake today. But the big event of today - wait for it - I died my hair blonde!!!! Well, the great green one did it, so if I look stupid next time u see me it's not entireley my fault. Although, it is more piss coloured than blonde, look a bit like a gone wrong Ivy Tilsley.

Anyway, I've had quite a long old time of it on here tonight haven't I? OOOOOOmg forgot about that!!!! We also went out today and purchased three goldfish and a loach - the goldfish have been named Curly Larry and Mo (something to do with some old people the great green one knows, apparently) and the Loach is called Ken - I ask you, fucking Ken Loach!!!!!

Oh and the budgie's gone wrong as well. He seems to be poorly, so no doubt that'll be something else to replace!!!!!!

And the fucking housing association sent around Hewie Dewie and Lewie to sort out our back light and they did one bang on the bedroom wall and fucked off! Not heard anything since!!!

Anyway I'll try and keep you updated on all the excitement.

Until next time

bye bye

Sunday 6 March 2011

omg how long did that take???

Well hello my friends - and yes, I owe you all an apology - becauseI haven't been here for a while lol - four days without wonderful glorious beautiful me!!!! And guess what? I havent got very much to write about, either (surprise, surprise)!!

Ooh I know something I can tell you - I've just shaved off my beard and tache after nearly 20 years - and cut my lip quite badly into the bargain - and it's still sore!!! The great green one is being ever sympathetic, but it's cold comfort to a man who doesn't like pain, I must say!!! Can't even have a proper pull on a fag, fgs!!!

Planning on going to karaoke tonight, but I'll have to sing something slow so me lips don't have to move around too much - can't even give the great green one a lovely snog!!!! Still, it might be less painful tomorrow, eh?

And if anybody is interested it is not long now until my 40th birthday, and if I'm still here on that day I shall be as pissed as a nipple so don't expect a diary entry!!! (Not that I'll be getting drunk to celebrate, trust me)!

Anyhoo, I'm going to go do things to my kitchen now (cleaning, dishes, etc) and shall speak to you all again very soon, with the grace of god and a bit of luck!!!!

Until next time folks


Wednesday 2 March 2011

oooo there you are!!!

Well I'm getting in early today and I'll tell ya for why!!!! I have a bad thumb. I don't know how I have done it, and I don't really care, all I can say is it is very very sore, has swollen, and is causing me a lot of trouble - especially with regards to picking things up and holding them and undoing things etc. So just in case I have to have it amputated I'll start early (oh, and I intend to get drunk on a very nice sparkling rose I purchased earlier).

So what have I been up to? Well not a great deal really, as usual, dog to park, cuddles for the great green one, jogging, more cuddles (not whilst jogging, obviously), and today we went to the Strand for a little walkabout. Oh, and did I mention I've got a sore thumb?

Also, as some of you may be aware, I do a lot of online surveys. The majority of them take about 5-15 minutes, but one was going on for nearly 40 minutes and then it froze on me and I couldn't finish it - so that pissed me off a little - especially with me sore thumb and all!!!!

But I won't moan, only about me thumb.

I haven't really got much else to report, really, but would like to say R.I.P to the late and very great (chested) Jane Russell who can, hopefully, take my thumb with her (as long as she replaces it with one that don't hurt).

Anyways, until next time

Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye

Sunday 27 February 2011

long weekend in liverpool

Well it's been a couple days since I last wrote so you'd think I've got loads of stuff to report - well you'd be thinking wrong lol. Actually, we went for a little bus ride yesterday, me and the great green one. We went to Kirkby (which, by all accounts in this part of the world, is pronounced Kirby). OMG it's cold there, I have to say - the wind the whips round you is a cruel, demanding one (oo, sounds like the start of a novel set in Grimsby!). We did a little trawl of the shops which, I'm sorry Anita but they are a bit lacking!! Anyway I did also do the usual of walking the dog and taking me jog - however me jog went slightly awry halfway along the beach and I twisted me ankle and had to kinda hobble home.

Nevertheless today was similar. Took the dog for a walk and then, foolishly thinking I was ok I went for a jog! Well I was alright until halfway back the beach when I started to hurt again so had to hobble, and came across an old bloke laying on the beach. He said he was alright and didnt want any help, but if you read about some old bloke in the paper this week found dead on the beach don't be blaming me cos I did offer to help him!!!!

Anyways, I'm off to bed in a minute and oh yes because of some rather unnerving dreams I've been having lately I purchased a dreamcatcher - here's hoping it works!!!!

Until next time readers

Off we go!!!!!

Thursday 24 February 2011

well there you have it

Yes, yet another day done and dusted - well actually it's gone midnight so another day has already started! The great green one and myself went to the bank today to open a joint account - oh my god what a palava! Back in my day you could take a pound into a bank and just open an account - these days you have to be vetted by the FBI, the CIA and the KGB before they'll even let you in the door!!!

Was up at a godawful hour today, and took the dog out early - beautiful day for a walk in the park with him - lovely and warm after the cold wet windy winter up here, I have to say!!

Still, we went, as I said, to open the account and went for a little walk round the strand shops - poor maid got stressed out looking for bedding so I ran away and hid in the bookies!!!  A new bed turned up tonight, so I guess thats what the bedding's for! Won a tenner on the lotto last night so I thought I'd treat us to a takeaway tonight - just for fun! All that jogging's going out the window if I eat that crap too much! Had a fairly pleasant jog, although I did get a funny knee as a result - it started telling jokes! No, seriously, it did hurt for a while, but I soon forgot my pain when I looked into the eyes of my beautiful beloved!

Well, that's me off to the land of noddy and big ears for now to give my lovely one a cuddle and hug mwah mwah mwah!!!

I shall see you all again I hope and until I do I shall leave you with this thought . . .

Byeeyeyeeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyyyyyyyeeeeeeyeyeye xxx

Wednesday 23 February 2011


Sorry about last blog it kinda got eaten by the internet!!!!

What can I say about today? Well, not much really. Usual stuff, walked dog, went for an early run today and then me and the gorgeous green one did a trawl of all the local charity shops - and bought nowt! We've now settled into our usual evening routine of doing online surveys and generally snogging each other daft!

I never realised love could be such a warm, all-embracing thing! But I'm sure you really don't want to know about my mushy side - it's just I'm so happy with my significant other!

And also, she is a fantastic cook! Spag Bol tonight, and always a perfect choice - as many of you will probably agree - even better when cooked with love (aww stop it now lol!!!)

I can't think of anything sensible to say tonight, so will leave you all with this thought . . . . isn't kissing great???? Ooo and hugging, and holding hands, and being in love!!!!!

Until next time folks


Tuesday 22 February 2011

Ok ok I know

I wasnt on last night - keep yer heads on!!!! It had been a long long long day and I'd actually done something different - I attended a course for trying to get back to work. It was full of "yoofs" who looked like they really didnt want a job anyway - still, I'm sure they'll all surprise the world by becoming the next European President or something!

Todays doings havent been that exciting though, and the poor dog hasnt been for a walk for two days now - just as well we have a large back garden for him to run mad in. The dogs been acting very weird today - watching telly on the arm of the sofa and sitting on the floor watching the budge - and he's currently chasing his tail around the lounge - if he ever catches the bugger he'll be in trouble lmao. I've had my jog, although I'm getting excited now because the great green goddess has decided she is going to join me of an evening for a jog soon - but she has warned me that she farts a lot when she runs, which is something to look forward to, I must say.

I have been collecting a dvd set free each day with a certain paper, the delightful TV series Larkrise to Candleford. For anybody who has never seen this and enjoys gentle period drama I urge you to watch it - and also to read the books because it is simply divine - my one weakness lol!

Anyway, I seem to have taken up a great deal of your computers memory tonight, so I'll leave you in peace now and bid you good eve!!!

Until next time peeps

Orf I Go!!! xx

Sunday 20 February 2011

ooooo matron

Well here we are again folks! And I know there's at least two of you reading this now, so I suppose I'd better make it interesting today. Let me see, what have I done?

Well, I got up - which is strange because I don't remember that part! ThenI checked the dog was still able to walk - sadly he is, so I had to take him out - omg it was cold and windy at the park! Mother to be came downstairs and started getting generally in the way so I went for me jog - which, again, wasn't any warmer than walking thank you very much! And when I came back self exiled myself to the kitchen because the outlaws (sorry, inlaws) came round!

No, that's not fair, they are a lovely bunch of guys, I just feel out of my depth with new people until I really open up (and vice versa). If any of you are finding my musings boring or repetitive then I can only apologise, but until I get the great green one to agree to marry me I don't think I'll have much exciting to say.

She sits next to me as we speak, slowly spiralling into loves insane pit - she does make me so happy, I have to tell you folks. I just wish, sometimes, that I could be perfect for her - and by that I mean perfect in every thing I am and do.

Anyway, I'm going to be going to bed quite early tonight because I'm tired - too many late nights and too many early mornings are starting to kill me I reckon! Oh and if you're reading this Anita we must all go for a drink again very very soon!!!

Until next time folks

Bora Da!!!

Friday 18 February 2011

uh oh me again

Yep okay so you caught me out - I havent done anything overly exciting today. It doesnt stop me writing this pap though does it lol? Im kinda guessing you're all pre-empting my entries now with what I've done during the day. Well, yes, for a start I took the dog for a walk - albeit an abbreviated one as he didn't seem interested in staying out long - mind you it was cold today. I had my run, which doesnt seem to be making much difference to me big belly, but hey at least I'm trying. And I got rudely awoken at 7.10 am by the postman delivering (well what else would he be doing, lets face it) a parcel.

Ooooh there ya go - there's something exciting for ya - being as I got up soooooooooo early I decided to attack the ginormous ironing mountain and totally finished it - took me three hours, but I did it!

My cold seems to be lingering a while, even though it is lessening - and I'm now having hot flushes so I guess this is the beginning of the end of youth for me sob sob. Still, at least I have the great and wondrous green one to keep me feeling young, God love her bones.

Anyway I'm off to have an ice lolly now cos I'm burning up, and I'll hopefully try and touch base with you guys tomorrow!!! So until then . . . .

Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxx

Thursday 17 February 2011


Yes its me again and omg have I been busy today? Well, no, actually! But I have been for two jogs today which is quite exciting lmao. And, yes, took the dog for a walk. Still got a cold but it is dissipating very nicely, thank you! Also went to the shops, went for a walk with the great green one (after a massive bolognese we both needed it) and am now sat here quietly farting and stuffing down a box of Thorntons choccies with my beloved (I gave her the red wrapped heart shaped one, obviously). The dog is now chewing his ring, and the budgie will not shut up for love nor money!

So all is well in the scarecrow household. Tomorrow I plan to do some more job hunting and oh yes as you probably all know my nickname is Worzel and yesterday at a charity shop we found some videos of Worzel Gummidge and bought home. Started watching them last night - sooooooo funny - a bit outdated, obviously, but seriously amusing!

I notice after all this time I still have only one follower - come on guys get it together lmao!!!

Anyways Im going to leave you all with this thought . . . Why didn't the chicken cross the road?

Until tomorrow


Wednesday 16 February 2011


Hello you lot. I'm not stopping very long tonight cos the great and wondrous green one has given me her cold, God love her bones! It's not that I'm suffering from man flu, cos trust me I hate being ill and will force my way through it with a blunderbus if necessary - it's just that I've had a long day, and feel the need to sleep early tonight and think I shall retire early. I didnt want to let any of you down though, so I thought I'd give you a very brief rundown.
I got up
I went out
I came hom
I had a very very short jog
I cooked tea
I crashed out

Just call me Paris Hilton lmao!!! Anywayz, if any of you do read me then can you please go to my page and officially "follow" me cos I only got one follower - and tell all your friends and family and get them to tell and spread it round the world!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll hopefully type to you all tomorrow - take care y'all


Monday 14 February 2011

eeek a new doctor!!!!

Hello again my friends- happy new week to you all. Well, I have been busy today. I had to go and register with a new doctor today, and had to take a sample with me (which I'm sure you all wanted to know). I saw the nurse today for bp etc and she said for 39 I was in amazing shape (rich tea and sympathy me thinks). Although if I am in amazing shape it's all down to the green one and her marvellous love for me and mine for her! After the doctors we took a little mosey on down to Crosby to do a tour of the charity shops where I purchased some more of my books (I like reading quirky facts and information books). Other than that, I havent really done a great deal - didnt even have time to walk the fluffball today (who seems to have developed something of a weird fetish for the budgie - don't ask). I don't have anything planned for tomorrow - yet - so if you think tonights message is boring you wait til tomorrow lmao!!!

Some of you might have noticed that I have a repetitive blog here, but that's because I am happy with my day to day life and if I had to do anything different it would just be to win the lottery and live 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year with the great green valentine of my heart, my lovely Diane.

Still, I'm gonna let you all get on with your lives now, and hopefully I will get better at writing this tripe soon tee hee.

Until next time

Bon Voyage!!!

Sunday 13 February 2011

well hello again!!!

Yes, sadly it's been a couple days since my last entry - lazy old git!! It was "mums" birthday yesterday so all was a bit hectic and last night I got so tied up (oo-er) in being tired I just couldnt manage it (blogging that is). So what's new with me then? Err, not much actually. Same stuff different day - although I have to say I am getting stupider in love with the green one every day - and aww bless her someones very kindly given her a cold - which I'm sure she'll happily spread my way. The budgie is having an ongoing moulting session (which seems to have lasted about three months) and is flapping around like a flailing pheasant in the road, God love him. Yes, I've done the usual today - I've walked the dog, I've had a jog and now I'm settling down to talk to you lovely folk. As I have just learnt how to add this blog to fb could you all please follow me and get your friends and family to follow me - even if the stuff I put on here is somewhat inane and boring, it'd be great to see how many followers I could get.

Whilst I'm here, I just want to say that you hear so much about people dying these days, and celebrities etc, but I would just like to spare a thought for the two horses that very very sadly and tragically died at Newbury racecourse yesterday - some of you may think I am wrong to do this, but with the exception of the green one I prefer animals to humans for the most part - that's not to say I don't like all humans, most, I believe, are very good deep down - but it's just who I am.

Anyway, thanks again for your time reading my drivvel - and until next time


Wednesday 9 February 2011

omg not another wednesday!!

Well hello gals and guys. Yes, as the title says, another Wednesday. Where does the time go? I have been very very busy today, up at 8, couldnt sleep so rolled a load of ciggies, had me coffee, did some Babbling on't t'internet lol. Then I had an appointment for an hour and the great wondrous green one joined me after for a lovely little shopping escapade at Bootle Strand. Oh yes, and that's another thing - I've noticed how boring these blogs are becoming - and thanks to one of the green ones friends' I have also learnt that they are mad ramblings. So, I have decided that tomorrow I am going to completely fill my day with non-inane chores and tasks and give you a mad yet exciting run down tomorrow evening. What's the betting's I'll get run over by an aeroplane and end up in hospital and not be able to?

Anyway I am going to cut this one short because I havent got off me arse for nearly 2 hours so I really need a stretch.

Until next time blogfollowers

Yakki Da!!!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

the primark day

Well I told you I was going to the sales - and omg did I spend or what? Actually, no I didn't - but the wonderous green one did - and spent nearly an hour in Primark! In the meantime I visited the toilet once and three other shops - as well as having my own look around Primark. What do ladies find so fascinating about clothes shopping? It is a wondrous event that men shall never understand. I suppose for their part women must wonder what men find so fascinating about sport and football and pubs and the like - I totally agree with them there though, as I am not your "typical man" - preferring to spend my time pandering to my good ladies predilection for enjoyment of the couturiership of the world! Actually, I quite enjoy looking around the ladies lingerie section to be honest - such a wider choice than the mens' section . . . anyway - moving on!

I had little time to do much else today, didnt even take the poor doggy for a walk - still I managed a short jog, and that was about it really. Tomorrow I am visiting another of our local shopping centres in Bootle Strand - and hoping to get an idea of what to buy my angel for valentines day - although I don't agree with it - not that i'm a cheapskate man, just that my argument is that there should not be one labelled day to tell and show your beloved that you care - you should be able to find a new and originaly way to do so every day of your life. Still, I'm not going to deprive my angel of her worth - I shall find something suitable - although I am not buying a card - I shall make one as I believe it has more feeling and meaning.

Anyway I'm sure I've rambled on enough for you all today so I shall bid you a long overdue good evening!

Until next time

Adiue xxx

Monday 7 February 2011

the post-weekend post!

Well I did warn you I wouldn't be here last night - I was too busy singing me guts out at the Karaoke. Mad Carol made me do two duets with her - Up Where We Belong (and we all know where that mad bat belongs) and He Aint Heavy (although her singing is). Again I've had a relatively quiet weekend - yep, walking the dog - well, trying to - the wind up round this way has been SOOOO mad that we were both blown back up South Road so it took us about half the time to do our normal walk. Oh and if anybody from SkyTV is watching this can you please stop giving the useless excuse of "bad weather" for the poor reception from your dishes? Over 20 years using this system to sort out a way of  fixing it and still no joy!!! Go on - sue me - I dare ya!

Moving quickly on . . .

The green one has a lovely morning planned - she is going to the dentist (tee hee, me being fully dentured never have to worry about the needle again). After that we're going to town to see if there's any scrag-ends left in the really cheap sale buckets (and am I the only one that thinks charity shops are a rip-off? They are more expensive than the retailers!!!) Well I'll let you know if I found anything tomorrow night - along with any other exciting events that come our way!!! Until tomorrow

Bon Viveur!!!!

Saturday 5 February 2011

well hello there

Yes, it's that time again - time for me to fill your life with rubbish! I've actually done something exciting today!!! I've been to the local town arcade and bought a skin for me laptop - a black and silver pirate skull no less!! Yes, the excitement of my day knows no bounds! Have nothing else really to tell you - omg I didnt even walk the dog today - shock, horror! Also, I've had a vindaloo tonight so  the poor green one is going to suffer my arse later, im afraid! Oh, and guess what I just got two numbers plus the bonus ball on the lottery - can't even get a bleedin tenner lmao. Still, I have all I want from my love, sitting next to me on the settee, just being all snuggly and lovely. Actually, I've been in a very soppy mood all day - it all started, for some bizarre reason, in Asda - I just couldn't stop kissing her cheek and smooching with her - oh I love her sooooooo much. I tell you what, I might not be on tomorrow night because it's karaoke night at the pub and I shall be too tired when I get in so, just in case I don't see you all I bid you a good rest of the weekend and happy start to the new week. For now

Sayanara xxx

Friday 4 February 2011

it's me again

well shame on me for forgetting to do this last night!!! The shame! The shock!! lmao anyways its been quite a quiet couple of days, as per usual - you know the gist by now, walking the dog, do the shopping, go jogging - oh, i forgot to tell you that i go jogging most days - in a vain attempt to lose a bit of weight. It's going slowly and to be honest I only FEEL better, I certainly don't look better. But that's enough of my woes. Oh, and that's another thing - yet again we are suffering with bad winds in the area and a certain satellite provider (namely the three letter one that is kinda upwards from the planet - you know - in the clouds etc) has ALWAYS had a problem with reception in bad weather. So we are going to switch soon to the one that ends with Media - them being my one time provider many moons ago and the best in my opinion. Still, to cheer ourselves up we are planning, weather permitting, to have a day out at town tomorrow. I am now going to catch up with Casualty from Christmas and before that I have on tape so I will talk to you all again tomorrow!!! Until then

Au revoire!!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

hellooooooo again

Well another day has slipped into oblivion and again I feel a great sense of purpose has descended upon my life - well, all sarcasm aside my only reason for being at the moment is the ever growing love for the green one! I did take a little sojourn to Bootle today for a meeting, which I won't bore you with! I also walked - yes you've guessed it - the doggy! Had a few fights with the budgie - omg that thing has problems! He comes to the side of the cage and waits for me to put my finger against the bar before attacking me like a demented concrete swingball !! We had various workmen here today - outside and inside - cheeky bleeder had the nerve to ASK for a cuppa lol. Still, he was good looking, so the green one agreed to give him one - and a cuppa tee hee. Oh, good, you've discovered my level of humour - base!!! Her beady eyes are looking over my shoulder so I can't type too much about her, lest it sends her into a fit of giggles (I know her sensitive spot). I know I'm rambling, but its a great way to unwind at the end of a mad day. Well, anyway, here's hoping tomorrows journal will bring news of great excitement and wonder!!! Til then

tatty bye byes xxx

Tuesday 1 February 2011

another day another penny

hello again!!! well what have i been up to today? Erm - yep, you guessed it - walking the dog, bit of shopping, baked a marvellous bread pudding - one of me favourite cakes/puddings which will never be able to make like me mum did lol. Omg doesn't everything your mum cooks taste fantastic? The memories will never die! Been doing lots of online surveys as well - hoping one of them will send me a big fat cheque for £80 million - i think not!! Mind you that said I lost another quid on a greyhound - seems like a regular occurrance! I shall make my fortune from writing my new novel soon - I have lots of ideas in the pipeline - some of which I have already started on. Oh, and if you're interested it's my third day of blogging and still I have only one follower - still, never mind - I'm sure even Charles Dickens started off as an unknown! Oh, I did empty our money boxes today to pay the gas bill - and was excited to find that there was £80 plus in there - mind you you can guarantee the bill will be more than that! Ho-hum - until tomorrow friends!!!


Monday 31 January 2011

omg another diary entry!!!

well here we are again people. I guess I'll have to do something constructive tomorrow so as to keep you all gripped! Erm what have I done today? I went to the library, I registered with a new GP (doctor), took my girlfriend to the psychiatrist, took the dog for a walk to the parks (which, incidentally, if Liverpool Council are reading this, ffs clean it up and put some more dog wardens on the street - the excrement problem is attrocious - on the pavements, on the paths - and if you say anything to the owners they just walk away or give you a mouthful - of cheek that is). Yes, today has been another round of amazement and wonder and awe - the only good thing to come out of today is that my love has grown even deeper and stronger for the green one (my girlfriend froggy that is). Although my love for "our" budgie is diminishing as it is getting really feisty now - anyone got any tips on how to train a budgie to be nice? Anyhow, I'll love you and leave you now as I'm going back to ebay and going to get some chocolates from somewhere!!!


Sunday 30 January 2011

todays the day day one

Well I've never done this before and basically am an internet novice - I've never even looked at a blog before. Well where do I start? Erm, Im 39, my name is Steve and I live with a frog a dog and a budgie - technically the frog is my girlfriend - its just her nickname. As for this blog? Well, I can't promise I'll write on it every day - and I cant promise it'll be interesting. However, if you do decide to pop along and read this I wish you a good day and all the love I can give. The content of my blog may well ramble and will most likely be totally random from one day to another. Actually I do have something to say today - Egypt's president should resign. There - that's my political statement for the day! Anyway - this is short and sweet today being as it's my first day - and its been a long day - ironing, cooking, washing dishes, walking dog - omg trust me I'll make this more interesting in future! Please stick with me - tell your friends about me and tell them to tell there friends lmao. Let's see how many people want to read about a nobody with a heart!!!

Tata for now guys - and if you're reading from outside the UK tata means goodbye xxx