Monday 31 January 2011

omg another diary entry!!!

well here we are again people. I guess I'll have to do something constructive tomorrow so as to keep you all gripped! Erm what have I done today? I went to the library, I registered with a new GP (doctor), took my girlfriend to the psychiatrist, took the dog for a walk to the parks (which, incidentally, if Liverpool Council are reading this, ffs clean it up and put some more dog wardens on the street - the excrement problem is attrocious - on the pavements, on the paths - and if you say anything to the owners they just walk away or give you a mouthful - of cheek that is). Yes, today has been another round of amazement and wonder and awe - the only good thing to come out of today is that my love has grown even deeper and stronger for the green one (my girlfriend froggy that is). Although my love for "our" budgie is diminishing as it is getting really feisty now - anyone got any tips on how to train a budgie to be nice? Anyhow, I'll love you and leave you now as I'm going back to ebay and going to get some chocolates from somewhere!!!


Sunday 30 January 2011

todays the day day one

Well I've never done this before and basically am an internet novice - I've never even looked at a blog before. Well where do I start? Erm, Im 39, my name is Steve and I live with a frog a dog and a budgie - technically the frog is my girlfriend - its just her nickname. As for this blog? Well, I can't promise I'll write on it every day - and I cant promise it'll be interesting. However, if you do decide to pop along and read this I wish you a good day and all the love I can give. The content of my blog may well ramble and will most likely be totally random from one day to another. Actually I do have something to say today - Egypt's president should resign. There - that's my political statement for the day! Anyway - this is short and sweet today being as it's my first day - and its been a long day - ironing, cooking, washing dishes, walking dog - omg trust me I'll make this more interesting in future! Please stick with me - tell your friends about me and tell them to tell there friends lmao. Let's see how many people want to read about a nobody with a heart!!!

Tata for now guys - and if you're reading from outside the UK tata means goodbye xxx