Sunday 8 May 2011


YAY thanks to the Great Green Ones mother we are going to the pubbbbbb!!!!!! woohoo karaokeeeeee!!!!

Aww and Toyota sponsoring ITV movies with all those adorable dalmatian puppies!!!!

Until next time


Saturday 7 May 2011

well i tell you!!!

Yes, yes, I know, been too long writing again aint I? Well, to be honest with you, ebay and paypal have pissed me off today so I need a rant. But not at you lot, cos you're all too nice to rant at! And OMG I haven't been for my run for four days now - and probably won't get very far tomorrow if the weather is as bad as they reckon it's gonna be!

Well, we went to a new pet shop and bought three fish - and guess what - one died! FFS what are we doing wrong? I don't dare say we still got two that are healthy - don't wana tempt providence now, do we? And my Twitter account now has four followers, so if any of you want to come and follow me my name's strongquietguy (talk about shameless advertising!!)

Well, I'll let you all get on for now cos I'm off to do the dishes (sausage, mash tomatos and eggs thanks for asking) (fat bastard ain't I lmao)?

So until next time


Monday 2 May 2011


well, here we are again, start of a new week - sans Ted Lowe, Henry Cooper and Bin Laden - God rest most of their souls - and I've just been in the garden playing with our new chimenea - trying in vain to keep a fire going but the wind seems to have other plans.

Yes - again - it's been too long since I scribed to this site, but I been busy learning how to "Tweet" - I only have three followers so far but I'm hoping to build on that soon!!!

Anyway I'm off for a run in a moment and stuff while the Great Green One wallpapers the lounge - I did offer to help but I think her suspicions of my being shite at the task - and the fact she is too polite to say thus - has rendered me redundant from such chore!!!

Anyway talk soon I hope - tata!!!!!!!!

Thursday 28 April 2011

yippeeeeeee another royal wedding!!!!

Ok ok so who's excited about tomorrows upcoming royal nuptials????? well, not me for one, thats for bleeding sure. I only say this because we have been totally saturated with this caper now for almost a year and I, for one, am at saturation point with it!!!!

And that's another thing - I fucking HATE Liverpool council - I have emailed them before with regard to the state of the parks around my area and they have done little - neigh NOTHING - to alleviate the situation. So today as I'm walking the dog I entered the second park (a nice, quiet tidy park) only to find Waterloo In Bloom tents erected. Pissed me off royally because the bloke came up to me and asked my opinion. I asked him why he wasn't in the other park (adjacent to the park they were in) and he said - and I quote - "Because it isn't tidy enough"! For Fucks Sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why, also, is it that you cant go ANYWHERE in Liverpool without treading in fucking dog shit!!!!!!!! I moved from Devon and we sooooooooooooooo rarely had this problem - the skank hos that live up here are ignorant fucking pratts and I hope that one day a  child of theirs falls into a pile of their dogs shit and suffers horrendously from whatever disease dog shit causes. Unfortunately it will probably be the child of somebody pleasant that this happens to. And guess what - the council will do fuck all about it!

Anyway, I've had me rant now. Love you all and sorry for totally depressing you lol.

Until next time

byesey bye byes

Sunday 24 April 2011

here we go here we go - oh there we went!

wahay!!! im getting good at this Twitter caper - I've just done my second post - or Tweet as I believe it's called. Anyway, it's a glorious day here in Liverpool land and it's also Easter Sunday so to all you religious types happy re-incarnation day!!! And to all us atheists - happy chocolate day!!!!

Just been jogging and yes, you guessed it, more dog shit on ones shoe!!! Honestly, the people round here should be put down and their dogs given nappies!!!

Going pub again tonight for sum more carry okey cokey and to get legless (aww poor old Heather Mills). I guess I should delete that because it's one-leggist but I can't abide the woman so tough tittiies!

As you can see the dog shit incident has put me in a "devil-may-care" mood and quite frankly pffffffttttt!!!!!

I notice that after all these posts I haven't got any followers - well I have one - but that doesn't count because it is The Great Green One. AND I have no followers on Twitter so fucking hell to it!!!

Oo  I just had a thought - but I'll keep that for another time!! 

Anyway I'm off now to go frogging and tickle her.

I'll speak to you all again - and until next time . . . . . .

"Come Fly With Me, Let's Fly Let's Fly Awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

Wednesday 20 April 2011

well bugger me!

Hello people! How the hangment are you all? Well the Great Green One and I went to the cinema tonight to see Scre4m (yes, it's actually Scream 4 but that is how it is titled) and as films of its genre go it wasnt that bad I guess. The usual slash and guts tripe, but for a few squid it was an evening out!!!

And omg what marvellous weather we're having at the moment!! Been walking dog, as usual, done a little shopping today (bought some trainer socks which the Great Green One suggested - against my better nature). I've yet to try them, however I need new trainers anyway. Will give them a go some time and let you know how I get on with them. I am of the old school, you see, I prefer ankle socks etc and psychologically will be thinking I have to keep pulling the buggers up!!!

Apprehended a ne'er'do'well in Iceland yesterday - that was fun! He was running out the door with some stolen goodies so I stuck out me foot and tripped the bleeder over!!!! I laughed about it later, but it couldhave been silly really, but hey ho!!!

Anyway, I'm off back to my bottle of Rose wine and a cuddle with the Great Green One and will talk to you all again on anothe occasion.

Until next time

Take care folks xxx

Sunday 17 April 2011

oi oi saveloy!!!

Well it's been too long again hasn't it - a week in fact! So what have I been up to? Not a lot, really, but I have been to the doctors!!! OOOHHH WORZY WHAT'S THE MATTER I hear you all cry? Well, I have a skin tag, you see, which has been there for a few months now and the other night it caught something whilst I was in bed and it bled badly so I thought I'd get it checked out - and guess what it's gonna take our lovely NHS a while to get round to it - in the meantime if I bleed to death you know why!

But it's not all doom and gloom - at least the sun is out and it's nice and warm - and it's karaoke night!!! Oh I do love a good old sing song, don't you?

And the gardening is going very very slowly as well - so much crap accumulates in the garden - and what with pulling up and chopping down bushes - well it's never ending, I tell you!

The dog is fine but we have now lost all the goldfish - we seem to have killed off five in the space of about two months and personally I think it's the fault of the pet shop - DON'T EVER BUY FISH FROM THE PET SHOP IN ST. JOHNS ROAD WATERLOO they are probably diseased!!!! I mean, let's face it, it can't be our water because the Great Green One has kept fish before using this water and a different pet shop - and even if there was a problem with the water we have used tank medicine and stuff to aid diseases - so what does that tell you?

Anyway, the budgie is still alive, I'm still alive, The Great Green One is still alive and there is a chicken in the oven just about ready to gulp down so there you go!

Anyways I'm of now to find some solace on a plate!!!

I'll get back to any of you who have enquired about my new book - which is nobody yet thank you so very bloody much!

Just japing with y'all !!!

Until next time