Sunday 8 May 2011


YAY thanks to the Great Green Ones mother we are going to the pubbbbbb!!!!!! woohoo karaokeeeeee!!!!

Aww and Toyota sponsoring ITV movies with all those adorable dalmatian puppies!!!!

Until next time


Saturday 7 May 2011

well i tell you!!!

Yes, yes, I know, been too long writing again aint I? Well, to be honest with you, ebay and paypal have pissed me off today so I need a rant. But not at you lot, cos you're all too nice to rant at! And OMG I haven't been for my run for four days now - and probably won't get very far tomorrow if the weather is as bad as they reckon it's gonna be!

Well, we went to a new pet shop and bought three fish - and guess what - one died! FFS what are we doing wrong? I don't dare say we still got two that are healthy - don't wana tempt providence now, do we? And my Twitter account now has four followers, so if any of you want to come and follow me my name's strongquietguy (talk about shameless advertising!!)

Well, I'll let you all get on for now cos I'm off to do the dishes (sausage, mash tomatos and eggs thanks for asking) (fat bastard ain't I lmao)?

So until next time


Monday 2 May 2011


well, here we are again, start of a new week - sans Ted Lowe, Henry Cooper and Bin Laden - God rest most of their souls - and I've just been in the garden playing with our new chimenea - trying in vain to keep a fire going but the wind seems to have other plans.

Yes - again - it's been too long since I scribed to this site, but I been busy learning how to "Tweet" - I only have three followers so far but I'm hoping to build on that soon!!!

Anyway I'm off for a run in a moment and stuff while the Great Green One wallpapers the lounge - I did offer to help but I think her suspicions of my being shite at the task - and the fact she is too polite to say thus - has rendered me redundant from such chore!!!

Anyway talk soon I hope - tata!!!!!!!!