Sunday 17 April 2011

oi oi saveloy!!!

Well it's been too long again hasn't it - a week in fact! So what have I been up to? Not a lot, really, but I have been to the doctors!!! OOOHHH WORZY WHAT'S THE MATTER I hear you all cry? Well, I have a skin tag, you see, which has been there for a few months now and the other night it caught something whilst I was in bed and it bled badly so I thought I'd get it checked out - and guess what it's gonna take our lovely NHS a while to get round to it - in the meantime if I bleed to death you know why!

But it's not all doom and gloom - at least the sun is out and it's nice and warm - and it's karaoke night!!! Oh I do love a good old sing song, don't you?

And the gardening is going very very slowly as well - so much crap accumulates in the garden - and what with pulling up and chopping down bushes - well it's never ending, I tell you!

The dog is fine but we have now lost all the goldfish - we seem to have killed off five in the space of about two months and personally I think it's the fault of the pet shop - DON'T EVER BUY FISH FROM THE PET SHOP IN ST. JOHNS ROAD WATERLOO they are probably diseased!!!! I mean, let's face it, it can't be our water because the Great Green One has kept fish before using this water and a different pet shop - and even if there was a problem with the water we have used tank medicine and stuff to aid diseases - so what does that tell you?

Anyway, the budgie is still alive, I'm still alive, The Great Green One is still alive and there is a chicken in the oven just about ready to gulp down so there you go!

Anyways I'm of now to find some solace on a plate!!!

I'll get back to any of you who have enquired about my new book - which is nobody yet thank you so very bloody much!

Just japing with y'all !!!

Until next time


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